Arty Faery Farty Fun


Hola little artist welcome to the world of Arty Farty Fun. A creative space where your imagination can go completely fairy banana’s.

Join Faery Emma each week as she takes your little artist’s imagination on an adventure of exploring colour, texture, shades, collage, pattern design and sculpturing.  Your little artist will explore and learn a new art idea and skill every week and will be provided with an essential art pack prior to classes commencing.


Find the words BEE HAPPY

Front cover for Art Book

Self portrait and Heart love magic

Easter Bunnies

Easter dress up

Easter Bunny Costumes

Easter dress up costumes

Easter Bunny Boy Ears


Easter Bunny Girl Ears


Frida Flower Head Band

frida kahlo arty farty workshop 2

Arty Farty Frida and The Bird

frida kahlo art farty workshop

Picasso Nose


Picasso Mouth


All About the Artist

Mothers Day Coupons

Fairy Door Collage
